Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Confidence & Gratitude

Today, I am reflecting on God answering my prayers. Here's why -

Confidence - This past Monday was my second time volunteering at Tipat Chalev. In my last post, I mentioned that I was super nervous about this new opportunity due to being afraid of failing. I am happy to report that I have not failed...made mistakes - YES - but failing - NO! The three nurses who work on Mondays with me are so incredibly nice. They constantly ask if I have eaten and if I would like a cup of coffee and/or tea. I am now fully convinced that feeding people is part of Jewish DNA. We may have the world fighting against us, but have no fear, we WILL feed our own people come rain or shine.  :-) I'm really clicking with one particular nurse, who asks me how my previous week was and what I did. It's not only nice to feel that she has an interest, but it's a GREAT way to practice my Hebrew speaking skills. I was already thinking that I hope this bond continues to the extent that I can invite her out sometime - maybe go shopping or grab a bite to eat...whatever. It's nice to have friends from all different places. Also, I am able to accomplish my assignment well, as each week I am recording, by hand, the names and details of patients from old files. I feel like a detective trying to piece together who these past moms were and where they could be now after so many years. It's also really interesting to see the different names. Lastly, one thing that really struck me was that on the inside of each patient's file, there is this question - Which country did you make aliyah from? There are really so many immigrants in our country that this has become a standard question. For some reason, this made me feel good. Yes, my confidence has grown, which leads me to...

Gratitude - Early this evening, I was catching up with my husband about the events of today. I was sharing with him about the wonderful time I had with a girlfriend. She made homemade waffles including sprinkling confection sugar on top. I brought grapes, cheese and maple sugar to add to our feast. When I arrived, this friend had already set the table so elegantly and lit a candle. You see, it's the little things - the details of a beautiful arrangement that make a room so inviting! We had such a sweet afternoon, as we ate slowly, talked a lot and enjoyed one another's company. I have been praying for girlfriends ever since moving to Israel - already 1.5 years ago! I was introduced to many guys thanks to my husband, but girls have been a slower process. I am so thankful for some really great girlfriends - both here and in the U.S. Another close friends of mine in the US, calls me on her way to work every Wednesday. She has about a 45 minute drive, so it's a great time to catch up (I believe she uses blue-tooth or car-intercom for hand holding). I love this weekly gab, as she is like a sister to me and the fact that she makes time to still grow our relationship is priceless. Yes, my gratitude has grown too, which leads me to...

Recognizing how God does both HEAR and ANSWER my prayers in His perfect way and timing. Baruch HaShem!

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