I was wondering recently if the Israelities' request for God to dwell in the Temple was like the two year olds that I volunteer with asking me if I would live inside a Barbie House for them. Maybe from space, the Temple looks like a Barbie House to God...? Seriously, how could a physical building on Earth contain the Maker of the Universe? I know that King David understood this concept, as he writes in Psalm 8:
"When I consider your
heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you
are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little
lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."
And yet, we see that God makes His Presence known in the Temple by filling it with a type of holy cloud. This is how I know that God cares about me. I feel like He tries to provide ways for us to understand Him and connect with His character. I like having a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. I don't mean this flippantly. In all seriousness, I think about God trying to squeeze a toe into the Temple and laugh. I know that He would go to end to show His desire for me.
I want to strive to reflect this type of love for others in hope that I can reflect the real architect.
...Just a passing thought
{Disclaimer: I do acknowledge that the true reason for building the Temple was to house the Ark of the Covenant. King David asked God how to handle the Covenants and God clearly expressed the design for this Temple. Also, the Temple was a place for showing devotion to God through sacrifices. My thoughts refer more to the expression of "containing God."}